Channel: Sustainable Business Consulting
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Sustainable Business Consulting Joins CDP Accredited Solutions Program


We’re pleased to announce that we are joining the CDP accredited solutions program as a silver accredited climate change consultancy in the United States. We are proud to partner with CDP to support companies on their journey to environmental leadership, improve disclosure and take vital action towards a sustainable economy. To learn more about CDP accredited solutions provider and see our profile, click here.

The CDP accredited solutions program is in place to support companies on their journey to environmental leadership through the CDP. CDP partners with environmental service providers who can help to support companies in all aspects of their environmental journey, from climate-related scenario analysis to designing a strategy for a water-secure and deforestation-free future. The accredited solutions provider program helps CDP-reporting companies to identify the gaps in their environmental performance, and connects them up with experts who can address these gaps and identify further opportunities for becoming leaders in the corporate climate action space. For more information on reporting to the CDP and improving your score, click here.

“We are proud to be joining such an esteemed cohort of industry-leading companies taking bold action on climate change and improving their disclosure & transparency through the CDP.” – Kevin Wilhelm, SBC CEO

About Sustainable Business Consulting: Sustainable Business Consulting is a team of trusted advisors who empower companies to increase profitability, reduce risk, enhance brand value and realize transformative change through better social and environmental practices. We are proud to be a certified B Corporation, women-owned, and majority people of color.

About CDP: CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action. In 2020, we celebrate CDP’s 20th anniversary – watch our story now.

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